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Journal articles


Colombarolli, Claudia & Lersch, Philipp M. (2023): Atypical Work, Financial Assets, and Asset Poverty in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100803

Lersch, Philipp M. (2023): Change in Personal Culture over the Life Course. American Sociological Review 88 (2). 220–251. doi: 10.1177/00031224231156456 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Groh-Samberg, Olaf (2023): The Long Reach of Class Origin on Financial Investments and Net Worth. Acta Sociologica 66 (2). 210–230. doi: 10.1177/00016993221129792 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Schunck, Reinhard (2023): Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequalities Between and Within Households. Social Forces 102 (2). 454–474. doi: 10.1093/sf/soad064 | Replication files


Breznau, Nate, … Lersch, Philipp M. … [total of 166 authors] (2022): Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44). e2203150119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2203150119 | Preprint

Kapelle, Nicole, Nutz, Theresa, Tisch, Daria, Schechtl, Manuel, Lersch, Philipp M. & Struffolino, Emanuela (2022): My wealth, (y)our life satisfaction? Sole and joint wealth ownership and life satisfaction in marriage. European Journal of Population 38 (4). 811–834. doi: 10.1007/s10680-022-09630-7 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M., Struffolino, Emanuela & Vitali, Agnese (2022): Wealth in Couples: Introduction to the Special Issue. European Journal of Population 38 (4). 623–641. doi: 10.1007/s10680-022-09640-5

Nutz, Theresa, Nelles, Anika & Lersch, Philipp M. (2022): Who Opts Out? The Customisation of Marriage in the German Matrimonial Property Regime. European Journal of Population 38 (3). 353–-375. doi: 10.1007/s10680-022-09613-8 | Replication files


Boertien, Diederik & Lersch, Philipp M. (2021): Gender and Changes in Household Wealth after the Dissolution of Marriage and Cohabitation in Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (1). 228–242. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12705 | Summary (see p. 62ff)| Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Baxter, Janeen (2021): Parental Separation during Childhood and Adult Children’s Wealth. Social Forces 99 (3). 1176–1208. doi: 10.1093/sf/soaa021 | Preprint | Summary | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M., Grabka, Markus M., Rüß, Kilian & Schröder, Carsten (2021): Wealth of Children from Single-Parent Families: Low Levels and High Inequality in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy 31 (5). 565–579. doi: 10.1177/09589287211040412 | Replication files

Nutz, Theresa & Lersch, Philipp M. (2021): Gendered Employment Trajectories and Individual Wealth at Older Ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A Life Course Perspective. Advances in Life Course Research 47. 100374. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2020.100374 | Replication files

Tisch, Daria & Lersch, Philipp M. (2021): Distributive Justice in Marriage: Experimental Evidence on Beliefs about Fair Savings Arrangements. Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (2). 516–533. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12694 | Replication files

Vidal, Sergi; Lersch, Philipp M. (2021): Panel Data in Research on Mobility and Migration. A Review of Recent Advances. Comparative Population Studies 46. doi: 10.12765/CPoS-2021-07 | Supplementary materials


Ebner, Christian, Kühhirt, Michael & Lersch, Philipp M. (2020): Cohort Changes in the Level and Dispersion of Gender Ideology After German Reunification: Results from a Natural Experiment. European Sociological Review 36 (5). 814–828. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcaa015 | Replication files

Kapelle, Nicole & Lersch, Philipp M. (2020): The Accumulation of Wealth in Marriage: Over-Time Change and Within-Couple Inequalities. European Sociological Review 36 (4). 580–593. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcaa006 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M., Schulz, Wiebke & Leckie, George (2020): The Variability of Occupational Attainment: How Prestige Trajectories Diversified within Birth Cohorts over the 20th Century. American Sociological Review 85 (6). 1084–1116. doi: 10.1177/0003122420966324 | Replication files

Vidal, Sergi, Lersch, Philipp M., Jacob, Marita, & Hank, Karsten (2020): Interdependencies in mothers’ and daughters’ work-family life course trajectories: Similar but different? Demography 57 (4). 1483–1511. doi: 10.1007/s13524-020-00899-z | Replication files | Summary


Bayrakdar, Sait, Coulter, Rory, Lersch, Philipp M. & Vidal, Sergi (2019): Family events, parental background and young adults’ homeownership transitions in Britain and Germany. Housing Studies, 34 (6). 974–996. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2018.1509949

Lersch, Philipp M. (2019): Fewer Siblings, more Wealth? Sibship Size and Wealth Attainment. European Journal of Population 35 (5). 959–986. doi: 10.1007/s10680-018-09512-x | Preprint | Replication files | Summary

Perales, Francisco, Lersch, Philipp M. & Baxter, Janeen (2019): Birth Cohort, Ageing and Gender Ideology: Lessons from British Panel Data. Social Science Research 79. 85–100. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.11.003

Uunk, Wilfred & Lersch, Philipp M. (2019): The effect of regional gender-role attitudes on female employment: A longitudinal test using the BHPS, 1991-2007. European Sociological Review 35 (5). 669–683. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcz026 | Replication files

Vidal, Sergi & Lersch, Philipp M. (2019): Changes in Gender Role Attitudes Following Couple’s Residential Relocations. Demographic Research 40 (39). 1111–1152. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.39 | Replication files


Fulda, Barbara Elisabeth & Lersch, Philipp M. (2018): Planning Until Death Do Us Part: Partnership Status and Financial Planning Horizon. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80 (2). 409–425. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12458 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Dewilde, Caroline (2018): Homeownership, Saving and Financial Wealth: A Comparative and Longitudinal Analysis. Housing Studies 33 (8), 1175–1206. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2018.1424803 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M., Jacob, Marita & Hank, Karsten (2018): Long-Term Health Consequences of Adverse Labor Market Conditions at Time of Leaving Education: Evidence from West German Panel Data. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 59 (1), 151–168. doi: 10.1177/0022146517749848 | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Kleiner, Sibyl (2018): Coresidential Union Entry and Changes in Commuting Times of Women and Men. Journal of Family Issues 39 (2). 383–405. doi: 10.1177/-0192513X16646146 | Replication files


Lersch, Philipp M. (2017): Individual Wealth and Subjective Financial Well-Being in Marriage: Resource Integration or Separation? Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (5). 1211–1223. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12406 | Preprint | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. (2017): The Marriage Wealth Premium Revisited: Gender Disparities and Within-Individual Changes in Personal Wealth in Germany. Demography 54 (3). 961–983. doi: 10.1007/s13524-017-0572-4 | Preprint | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M., Jacob, Marita & Hank, Karsten (2017): Parenthood, Gender and Personal Wealth. European Sociological Review 33 (3). 410–422. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcx046 | Summary | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Uunk, Wilfred (2017): The Shadow of Future Homeownership: The Association of Wanting to Move into Homeownership with Labour Supply. Work, Employment & Society 31 (3). 522–541. doi: 10.1177/0950017016631443 | Replication files

Vidal, Sergi, Perales, Francisco, Lersch, Philipp M. & Brandén, Maria (2017): Family Migration in a Cross-National Perspective: The Importance of Within-Couple Employment Arrangements in Australia, Britain, Germany and Sweden. Demographic Research 36 (10) (Special Collection edited by Trude Lappegaard, Frances Goldscheider and Eva Bernhardt). 307–338. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.10

Wind, Barend, Lersch, Philipp M. & Dewilde, Caroline (2017): The distribution of housing wealth in 16 European countries: Accounting for institutional differences. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32 (4). 625-647. doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9540-3


Lersch, Philipp M. & Vidal, Sergi (2016): My House or our Home? Transitions into Sole Homeownership in British Couples. Demographic Research 35 (6). 139–166. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.6

Lersch, Philipp M. (2016): Family Migration and Subsequent Employment: The Effect of Gender Ideology. Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (1). 230 – 245. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12251


Lersch, Philipp M. & Dewilde, Caroline (2015): Employment Insecurity and First-Time Homeownership: Evidence from 22 European Countries. Environment & Planning A 47 (3). 607 – 624. doi: 10.1068/a130358p | Replication files

Lersch, Philipp M. & Luijkx, Ruud (2015): Intergenerational Transmission of Homeownership in Europe: Revisiting the Socialisation Hypothesis. Social Science Research 49. 327–342. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.08.010 | Replication files


Lersch, Philipp M. & Vidal, Sergi (2014): Falling out of Love and down the Housing Ladder: A Longitudinal Analysis of Marital Separation and Home Ownership. European Sociological Review 30 (4). 512–524. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcu055 | Summary

Lersch, Philipp M. (2014): Geburten und die Wohnraumversorgung von Familien: Anpassungen der Wohnung im zeitlichen Verlauf [Childbirth and Room Stress Among Families: Housing Adjustments over Time]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 43 (2).131–149. Link


Lersch, Philipp M. (2013): Place Stratification or Spatial Assimilation? Neighbourhood Quality Changes after Residential Mobility for Migrants in Germany. Urban Studies 50 (5). 1011–1029. doi: 10.1177/0042098012464403


Lersch, Philipp M. (2014): Residential Relocations and their Consequences: Life course effects in England and Germany. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-04257-8